Be sure to follow "Bill's" journey along with ours.
Day 3: Monday, August 29, 2011: Juneau
We arrived in Juneau at 12:00 noon. What a beautiful town! Our excursion for the day was ziplining in their temperate rain forest, but first we checked out the town and ate some authentic crab cakes.
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Our first (of many) Glacier Sighting
Juneau's beautiful harbor
These tram cars looked really cool coming out of the clouds
And watching a sea plane land was even better.
Juneau architecture
Juneau even has a Harley Davidson dealer
Very tasty Crab Cakes here
Zipling was the coolest thing ever. We don't have many pictures, but we do have some awesome video clips.
Ziplining requires the use of both hands. One hand is used to steer, the other to brake before you hit the tree
In order to shoot video clips while you are zipping through the air, you must use your brake hand to hold the camera, but you will need to use that hand to stop at the end of the line. The camera is on a safety strap around the neck dropped while braking.
This is the shuttle vehicle to get us most of the way up the hill.
He's having lots of fun
Guys ... be careful how you answer this.
We also had to walk down a suspension bridge. It was fun to sway it side to side and jump on it.
At the end of the run, we had to repel down this tree from the 50 foot landing to get back to solid ground.
A beautiful view
After getting back to town, we checked out a few of the gift shops. What do you think ... did he buy one of those lovely hats?
During our longest run, I lost control of turning and did a complete 360. Somewhere in the turn my sweatshirt sleeve got hung up in the rollers, so I braked ... leaving me stranded in the middle of the run. The guide had to come out and rescue me. <<< hehehehe >>>
Watch Scott repel at the end of this page.
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