Yes, you heard it correctly. We moved to Arizona in July!!! Scott accepted a great job in Mesa (just East of Phoenix) and we made our move on July 7th. His company paid for a moving company so it was totally cool to let others pack us, move us, and unload us (in 109 degree temps).
There were some items the moving company would not take and a few items we wanted to take with us, so I rented the biggest Uhaul trailer I could get and loaded it up. However, it was way too heavy for my car to tow safely and if I exceeded 50 mpg the trailer would fishtail, so we had to drive the entire 380 miles at 48 mpg. Ugh !!! It took us 9 hours to get there.
The Moving Truck
Unloading the Motorcycle
After all day of unloading, we are all moved in.
Our new living room
and our kitchen
It's going to take weeks to dig through all these boxes. With Lynette's help the kitchen is all unpacked !!! Thank You Lynette!
It is so hot here that even Franklin is looking for shade. Isn't he from Africa? Isn't Africa hot? Is Mesa hotter than Africa?
So ... Franklin got his own umbrella!
It's even too hot for Franklin
Franklin's Umbrella
Green grass? Really? Google Satelite image shows green grass in the backyard. Totally cool !
Not ............ This is what we found. So we have been watering every day to green it up.
Our backyard
Our dead grass in our backyard
Give the yard a little (or a lot) water ... and the yard starts to come to life.
After 3 days of watering
After 6 days of watering
After the rain
Did I mention rain? Yes I did. We made it just in time for the rainy season. I LOVE the rain !!!
The rain just started
Within a few minutes it's a downpour
It's coming down hard
When in Rome .... I even started a cactus garden.
A transplant from Calif
2 new ones
This one might not make it
The pets Everyone is adjusting quite nicely ... even the cats.